(1)       Reactivity towards acids :C, Si, Ge unaffected by dilute acid but Sn dissolves in dilute HNO3 forming Sn(NO3)2. Pb dissolves slowly in dilute HCl forming PbCl2 and quite readily in dilute HNO3 forming Pb(NO3)2 and oxides of nitrogen.
            Si is oxidised and undergoes fluorination by hot concentrated HF/HNO3.
            Sn dissolves in several concentrated acids. Pb does not dissolves in concentrated HCl because a surface coating of PbCl2 is formed.

(2)       Reactivity towards alkalies :Carbon is unaffected by alkalies. Si reacts slowly with cold aqueous solution of NaOH and readily with hot NaOH solution giving solution of silicates [SiO4]4–. Sn and Pb are amphoteric it dissolves slowly in cold and readily in hot NaOH solution forming stannates Na2[Sn(OH)6] and plumbates Na2[Pb(OH)6].

(3)       Hydrides : All the elements of group 14 combine with hydrogen directly or indirectly to form the covalent hydrides,  (M = C, Si, Ge, Sn or Pb). The number of hydrides and the ease of preparation decrease on going from carbon to lead.    
The hydrides of silicon are called silanes having the general formula . The hydrides of germanium are called germanes while those of tin are called the stannanes. Only lead forms an unstable hydride of the formula,  called the plumbane.
Three hydrides of germanium, i.e.,  and  and only two hydrides of tin i.e.  and  are well known. 

(4)       Oxides : Carbon forms five oxides  (carbon suboxide),  and  is the anhydride of malonic acid and  is the anhydride of  (carbonic acid). is a non-polar linear molecule due to maximum tendency of C to form pp–pp multiple bond with oxygen. Si forms . Pb forms a number of oxides. PbO can be obtained by heating . .       
The red form of PbO is called litharge and the yellow form is massicot. (Red lead, or Sindur) is prepared by heating litharge in air at 470°C,
is a mixed oxide of  is called lead sesquioxide.  etc. are also called network solids. 
Note  :  and  are all solids. and  is acidic,  is weakly acidic while  and  are amphoteric in nature. All the elements of group 14 except silicon from monoxides e.g.,  and PbO. Out of these monoxides only CO is neutral, while all other monoxides are basic.

(5)       Halides : Elements of group 14 react with halogens directly to form tetrahedral and covalent halides except C where its halide is produced by the action of halogens on hydrocarbons.  and  do not exist because  is a strong oxidant and  and  are strong reductants. Hence  ion is difficult to survive in presence of strong reductants  and  and is immediately reduced to .


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